Ritualistic Tarot Photoshoot

– Anaïs Nin

The Archetype

The curtains open to reveal the Magician, the tarot archetype who feels the creative potential of the entire universe buzzing at his fingertips. All the elements needed to manifest his wildest dreams are spread out on the table before him. The Magician is realized potential. He is alchemy.

Have you ever sought an external sign to guide you, only to find every path leading you back to yourself?

The Magician urges you to take charge of your deepest desires. He whispers that you are the creator of your own reality. Everything you need is already within you. All it takes is your willpower and intention to set things in motion.

A magical journey awaits you…

This is my unique offering, one that I am so excited about: I will open the doors to my little temple and reveal a mesmerizing tarot photo-scene, a place where your inner Magician can shine and be discovered.

With a group of 3 we will go on a magical and intimate little journey to connect deeper to the Archetype and its energy. We will awaken it inside of you, remind you of it.

At the end, you will receive 3 edited pictures and a Fine Art Print of your choice. A piece of art that will remind you of that what lays within, your power.

Are you ready?

  • Choose a date: 15th or the 16th of June (11am-3pm, Berlin)

  • The prize is 231€ and includes a Fine Art Print and 3 digital edited pictures .

  • There’s space for 6 magical Souls. 3 on each day. First come, first serve.

  • This is a journey open to all genders.